JC Penny is pushing a new advertisement that many people are calling ‘racist’ for depicting a Black family as fatherless. And Media Take Out learned that thousands of people on social media are outraged.

The advertisement shows a “Picture perfect moment” in the lives of a Black family. In the photo, the Black family consists of a mother and two children – no father.
But the very same advertisement shows “family fun” for a White family. And the White family consists of a mother, a father and two children.
Folks all across social media are calling the advertisement “racist” for depicting the Blackfamily as “fatherless.”
Here’s just a sample of the comments that you find across social media:
- Why couldn’t the white woman be the baby mama?
- I’ve noticed these corporations are straight up playin’ in our faces as it relates to what to associate with blackness in their bµllsh!t ads
- I’ve been noticing this for years. Some will dismiss this as marketing the reflection of the consumer but I usually think there is a propaganda angle and it’s to reinforce stereotypes… especially around black people.