Kim Kardashian’s daughter North West is just 10 years old, and she’s already showing some pretty impressive artistic skills. Media Take Out learned that North showed off one o her latest drawings – a portrait of her father and his new wife Bianca.

But not everyone is happy with the drawing. Some are saying that it is not appropriate for a 10 year old to be drawing such pictures – especially given the racy outfits that Bianca has been wearing recently.

But North West didn’t just draw – she showed off her mature thinking – and impeccable handwriting..
North West wrote, “What are 3 things that you are grateful for today?”
“I am grateful for the Vultures I album because it is insanely good,” she added.
“I am also grateful for the black vultures because if vultures weren’t;t alive this amazing album wouldn’t have come out,” said the astute 10 grammar school student.
:Lastly I’m grateful for the gang Carnival,: she ended.