Jay Z , and his ties to a wealthy old money family are being called into question by one of his former business associates. Media Take Out has learned.

About a decade ago, M.I.A. was seen as one of the biggest pop acts in the world, She was managed by Jay Z and Roc Nation, and was on the trajectory to become the next huge international pop star.
But her career and her life was permanently derailed after she got into a relationship with her babys father Benjamin Bronfman, the son of powerful industrialist titan Edgar Bronfman (his family is the owner of Seagrams spirits and he is the former CEO of Warner Music Group). Benjamin’s mother Sherry is African American.

MIA and Ben became engaged and she gave birth to their son, Ikhyd Edgar Arular Bronfman, on 13 February 2009, three days after performing at the Grammy Awards.
Three years later the two separated, and M.I.A.s career has been in tatters ever since.

Now the singer/rapper is speaking out – and she claims that Jay Z may be behind it all. MIA claims that her babys father wealthy family did everything they could to destroy her – and she was “restricted” by his powerful lawyers from leaving Brooklyn for 15 years.
M.I.A. claims that her then manager – Jay Z cut off all communications with her. And she claims that he was “paid” by her wealthy babys father’s family to help destroy her.