#1 Even donkeys need TLC! 🐴💉

#3 Looks like someone skipped leg day at the gym…but don’t worry, this frog is catching up!


#5 Age brings micro-injuries and humiliation.

#6 Uh-oh, looks like someone’s in trouble!

#7 Yikes

#8 I don’t think anyone’s going to argue with this evidence.

#9 This is the bitter pill we must swallow.

#10 When your mistake is too big to ignore.

#11 Achoo… and everything hurts.

#12 That’s going to be tough to fix.

#13 It’s time to accept what we cannot change.

#14 This is too good (or bad) to be true.

#15 The struggle is real, but so is the smile.


#17 Finally, someone who gets it!

#18 Well, that was unexpected.

#19 This can’t be real, can it?

#20 I’m not alone in this, thank goodness.

#21 You’re speaking my language!

#22 Gambling addiction? More like $20 and done-it is. Who’s with me?