
Ray J Outs “Greedy” Kim Kardashian & Her Mom Over Her Latest Sex Tape Claims, Shares Receipts

Singer-turned-reality-star, Ray J, has had it up to HERE with his ex, Kim Kardashian; her moms, Kris Jenner; and apparently the whole Kardashian fam’ living off of the big “lie” that has built their careers for the past decade and a half. According to Ray J, he’s officially speaking out about what he says are the real facts regarding his infamous sex tape with Kim, which ultimately launched the Kardashians into a whole ‘notha stratosphere beginning in 2007.

Now, to Ray J’s credit, he didn’t just decide to speak on this out of the blue. In fact, he says he would have been chill on the topic – just as he always has – had it not been for Kim K.’s latest apparent ‘publicity stunt.’ He is now outing Kim and her mother for ‘planning’ that legendary sex tape, and brokering the deal, allegedly with Vivid Entertainment, back then. As y’all know, for the past 15 years or so Kim has claimed the tape was “leaked.” Welp…now the cat’s apparently outta the bag…and Ray J even shared his ‘receipts.’

Ray J’s Claims Against Kim And Her Mom

Here’s what Ray J revealed to Daily Mail:

“I’ve sat in the shadows for over 14 years allowing the Kardashians to use my name, to abuse my name, make billions of dollars over a decade-and-a-half talking about a topic I’ve never really spoken about. … I’ve never leaked anything. I have never leaked a sex tape in my life. It has never been a leak. It’s always been a deal and a partnership between Kris Jenner and Kim and me and we’ve always been partners since the beginning of this thing.”

He continued:

“When I put on the comments that all of this is a lie, I didn’t mean Kanye coming to meet with me about some second sex tape,” Ray J told The Daily Mail. “I mean all of this is all a lie. From the beginning of us putting this sex tape out, this has been the biggest lie in the industry in the history of entertainment.”

Ray J says Kim and her moms were all for the sex tape idea:

“I’ve never leaked anything. I have never leaked a sex tape in my life. It has never been a leak,” Ray J said. “It’s always been a deal and a partnership between Kris Jenner and Kim and me and we’ve always been partners since the beginning of this thing.”

According to Ray J, Kim signed a contract with an adult entertainment company to release three sex tapes (with Ray J), which he says she’s been the sole possessor of this entire time:

“She kept them all – she had to go find that tape [Sex Tape Cabo #1] and then present it. I never had a tape in my possession in our whole relationship,” Ray J said. “I never had a single one at my house – she had them at her house. She’s always had all the tapes in a Nike shoebox under her bed.”

For years, he says he’s been suicidal at times, because he’s been made to look like the bad guy who “leaked” the tapes, even though that was not the case:

“I felt suicidal because when you know something’s real and it’s true, and you’re watching a whole family create an empire from a lie they’ve created, it’s heartbreaking and disrespectful to all the entertainers who have been honest and true to their craft,” Ray J said.

“As a Black man living and working in America, it’s hard to get up every day and look out at the water or look at my family and know that they think something about you when you know it’s 1,000 percent the other way. How do you live like that?”

Ray J Says The Kardashians’ “Lies” Ruined His Rep And Business Opportunities

Ray J said because of the ‘false’ picture the Kardashians’ spin on the sex tape scandal has caused him, he’s lost business opportunities with “any reputable major network television show,” on “Dancing with the Stars,” and even “America’s Got Talent.”

“Because of what they made me, I’m not allowed to be in those places,” Ray J said. Also adding, “For me, I’ve been walking on eggshells thinking I’m going to get in trouble for telling the truth and I’ve been holding onto it for the past 14 years and watching them humiliate me. They’re celebrating my destruction.”

Ray J Says “Sex Tape Lies” Affect Him As A Father

“I just want my daughter and my son to appreciate what I’ve done here on Earth and know that their dad doesn’t go for exploiting women, disrespecting women and leaking footage of someone who didn’t give permission,” Ray J said.

His Final Straw Came After Kim’s Latest Claims

Ray J says he finally got tired of remaining silent after seeing the now-viral new “Kardashians” show clip of Kim alleging that Ray J may have footage of him “sticking a dildo in [her] a**” while she was asleep, which Ray J said is an absolute lie and never happened.

Ray J Shows New Alleged Texts Messages Between Him And Kim K


Ray J shared alleged screenshots of what he says was the conversation between he and Kim via DM:

“I know how promo goes, and I get it 100%- but it’s got out of control with this new story, and my team is on my head thinking it’s true,” he wrote to Kim.

He also pointed out to her that her “dildo” comments on the show “makes me look like a rapist and dirty perv, and I’m catching a lot of slack from it.”

Kim reportedly responded with:

“If you’re upset about the dildo comment, it was clearly a sarcastic joke and I was laughing when I said it,” Kim allegedly wrote. “My burn them to the ground comment was a generalization to anyone threatening to hold his over my head 20 years later. We are both parents now with young kids and careers and I’m sure you want to move on from this just like I do. But your manager is the person who brought this all up out nowhere and I have a right to share how it affected me.”

In the alleged exchange, Kim never denied the plan Ray J said she and Kris Jenner put together back in the day. However, what further pissed him off is that Kim allegedly didn’t show any true remorse for alluding that he is the bad guy:

“If they didn’t come back and show how they really were, how greedy and slimy they really were, I would never have had the enthusiasm or the will to go out and speak my truth,” Ray J said. “This has been a burden for me. It’s been an embarrassment for me. My family have questioned my integrity, who I am as a person,” he said. Adding, “….for the remainder of my life, I’m going to live in my truth. And not in the lie that’s been created by Kris Jenner and Kim. I will not let them do this to me anymore.”

Recap Of Kim Kardashian’s Latest Claims

In case you’re like me, and haven’t tuned into the Kardashian fam’s new Hulu reality show, The Kardashians, then you probably didn’t see the part where Kim balled out crying to her family regarding the sex tape she did with Ray J. She even got Kanye involved in the situation.

During the episode, Kim cried hysterically after she and Kanye’s 5-year-old son, Saint, showed her an ad on Roblox, claiming to be of a second unreleased sex tape of she and Ray J. “It was clickbait insinuating that if you click on it, there was going to be a new sex tape coming out,” Kim explained in the episode. “Had my son been a little bit older and been able to read, I would have been mortified. But I died inside.”

She proceeded to call up Kanye about it and confided in him over what their son had just seen. “He [Saint] started laughing and was like, ‘Mommy, look and it was a picture of my cry face,’” Kim said, adding that Saint is too young to understand the information, however. But Kim said Kanye responded with compassion, which made her feel “calm.”

Kanye Retrieved The Laptop From Ray J

Following Kim’s call, Kanye met up with Ray J, in October 2021, to supposedly retrieve the alleged footage (which Kim reportedly previously stated didn’t exist).

Kanye later did an interview with Hollywood Unlocked, revealing, that despite their pending divorce, he still wanted to help her:

“I went and got the laptop from Ray J myself that night. … I met this man at the airport, then got on a red-eye, came back [and] delivered it to her at 8 a.m. in the morning.”

‘Ye continued:

“She cried when she saw it. You know why she cried when she seen it on the laptop? Because it represents how much she’s been used,” the rapper said. “It represents how much people didn’t love her, and they just saw her as a commodity.”

So…yeah, if what Ray J is saying is true (which up to this point, it kinda appears to be), it’s understandable why the man is finally fed up with the alleged BS.

Written by ceofari

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