
Riley Gaines Mops the Floor with “Ignorant” Whoopi and Joy on The View

“Women deserve better,” Gaines told the popular talk show hosts, “But you’ve let them down.”

Riley Gaines wasted no time laying into Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar on a recent taping of “The View.” According to witnesses in the audience, as soon as Whoopi opened her mouth, Riley shut her down.

“You don’t care about actual women,” she told Goldberg, “you only care about whatever social justice warrior is currently in the news. Were you there for women when Lia Thomas stole the race from me?”

Joy Behar began to chime in, but Riley stopped her dead in her tracks as well. “You’re ignorant,” she said, “both of you.” With that she walked off the stage. She told producers on the way out that she never intended to give them enough to go to air with.

Indeed she didn’t. Showrunner Joe Barron says the segment was scrapped immediately. “Lesson learned,” he said. Riley Gaines: 1 – The View: 0.

ALLOD Correspondent Tara Newhole caught up with Goldberg after the show and asked why they refused to air the segment. “Look, child,” she said smugly, “that girl came up in here angry. She yelled some nonsense and stormed away. All upset because she tied for 5th instead of being the 4th loser all alone. Of course we scrapped the segment.”

It doesn’t matter what she says. The young star is now on the conservative radar as a hero, and has therefore earned her own “Rewarding Riley Gaines” category on our sites.

Congratulations, Riley. You fit the template perfectly. God Bless America.

During a recent recording of the popular talk show “The View,” Riley Gaines made a strong and impactful statement that left hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar taken aback. Witness accounts from the audience reveal that as soon as Whoopi Goldberg began to speak, Riley Gaines, an outspoken individual, wasted no time in expressing her discontent and disappointment.

In her remarks, Gaines unreservedly criticized Goldberg and Behar for what she perceived as a failure to genuinely support women. She accused them of prioritizing the latest social justice trends over the concerns of actual women. Gaines specifically pointed out an incident involving Lia Thomas, highlighting her belief that the hosts hadn’t adequately addressed the situation or shown solidarity with her.

Joy Behar attempted to interject, but Gaines swiftly shut her down as well. In a straightforward manner, Gaines accused both hosts of ignorance before making a dramatic exit from the stage. According to reports, she had no intention of giving the producers enough material to air the segment, a fact she shared with them on her way out.

True to her intentions, the segment was promptly scrapped by showrunner Joe Barron. The immediate decision not to air the contentious exchange underscored the impact of Gaines’ candid remarks. This incident, dubbed Riley Gaines: 1 – The View: 0, demonstrated the effectiveness of her critique and the resonance it had with the audience.

Tara Newhole, a correspondent from ALLOD (All Opinions, Largely Different), caught up with Whoopi Goldberg after the show to inquire about the decision to omit the segment. Goldberg, adopting a smug tone, dismissed Gaines’ outburst as mere anger and nonsense. She downplayed the significance of the incident, suggesting that Gaines was upset over a relatively trivial matter of placement in a competition. Goldberg’s response reflected a dismissive attitude, which further fueled the growing perception that “The View” might not be as receptive to diverse perspectives as it claims to be.

The aftermath of this confrontation has spotlighted Riley Gaines in conservative circles, elevating her to a hero status within those communities. Gaines’ bold critique of the talk show’s hosts has earned her recognition as a figure who refuses to conform to prevailing narratives and instead raises pertinent questions. This recognition has been underscored by the creation of a “Rewarding Riley Gaines” category on certain websites, reinforcing the notion that her stance aligns with the values and viewpoints championed by conservatives.

In conclusion, Riley Gaines’ unfiltered and direct criticism of Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar on “The View” captured attention due to its candidness and the subsequent decision to withhold the segment. The incident shed light on the broader dynamics of talk shows and their interactions with outspoken individuals who challenge established narratives. By standing up and making her voice heard, Gaines has emerged as a symbol of pushing back against prevailing perspectives, ultimately capturing the admiration of conservative audiences who champion individualism and the freedom of expression.

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